
Make a meaningful difference in the next generation of caring education and health professionals.
Every gift of every size matters.

Kevin Murach Overseeing a Lab

WE CARE Strategic Fund

This fund allows us to support the work of our faculty, staff, and students as we foster a caring culture, advance impactful research, and expand our service to Arkansas. We invite you to learn more about the WE CARE strategic plan, which stands for Wellness and Education Commitment to Arkansas Excellence, and join us as we Lead with Care.

Give to the WE CARE Strategic Fund

Please specify “WE CARE Strategic Fund” in the comments field.

Interprofessional Education workshop with the Dean

Dean's Excellence Fund

Sustained excellence is the benchmark of a healthy and thriving college, and having a Dean’s Excellence Fund is critical for supporting our innovative projects and initiatives. This fund allows the college the flexibility to seize opportunities as they arise. 

Give to the Dean's Excellence Fund

Please specify “Dean’s Excellence Fund” in the comments field.


Other Giving Opportunities

Customized giving is an excellent way to tailor personal philanthropic goals with the needs of the college. Whether through support to students, faculty, research, or programs and initiatives, each gift allows the college to expand its service, impact, and outreach. Create a legacy that will leave an indelible mark on the success of the college by considering one of the below opportunities.


Naming an endowed gift leads to a legacy of permanent support for the college. Endowed gifts may be pledged over multiple years and can forever link your name, or that of a family member, friend, or organization to excellence in the College of Education and Health Professions. To discuss endowment opportunities, please contact Tracee Norris, the college's managing director of development, at 479-575-6596 or

  • Minimum $25,000

    Minimum $25,000

    One year after a $25,000 endowed award is fully funded, it will generate approximately $1,000 per year for student support.

  • Scholarship: Minimum $50,000

    Minimum $50,000

    One year after a $50,000 endowed scholarship is fully funded, it will generate approximately $2,000 per year for student support. 

  • Graduate Fellowship: Minimum $150,000

    Graduate Fellowship:
    Minimum $150,000

    An endowed graduate fellowship generates supplemental funds for a graduate student in recognition of academic distinction or in need of financial assistance. 

  • Faculty Fellowship: Minimum $500,000

    Faculty Fellowship:
    Minimum $500,000

    Endowed faculty fellowships provide funds to outstanding faculty members to further their contributions in teaching, service, research, and public service.

Endowed Chairs

The purpose of an endowed chair is to attract and recruit highly qualified individuals to the college. Funds generated from the endowment can be used for such purposes as salary supplementation, graduate assistant stipends, administrative assistance, travel, and other purposes approved by the dean.

  • Department Leadership

    Department Leadership:
    Minimum $2,000,000   

  • Full Professor

    Full Professor:
    Minimum $1,500,000

  • Associate or Assistant Professor

    Associate or Assistant Professor:
    Minimum $1,000,000

Ways to Give

Planned Gifts

Making a planned gift or bequest leaves a legacy of support that can be customized to fit the donor’s needs and intentions. Please contact Tory Gaddy, or visit the Office of Planned Giving to discuss legacy options.

Make a Gift Online

Convenient and secure giving to the college is easy. Be sure to choose the College of Education and Health Professions in the first drop down box to direct your gift to the college. Make your online gift today.

Send a Check via U.S. Mail

Outright gifts by check should include the following:

Payable to the University of Arkansas Foundation

Mailed to:
The University of Arkansas
481 S. Shiloh Drive
Fayetteville, AR 72704
ATTN: Gift Administration

Stock & Wire Transfers

Please contact Tory Gaddy,, or the Office of Gift Administration at 479-575-7970 for information.