The College
We lead with care. We care for all communities in Arkansas and beyond by advancing impactful research, engaging in meaningful partnerships, and empowering caring professions in education and health.
College Leadership
The leadership team embraces a culture of caring that empowers people to thrive in all aspects of life.
Departments and Programs
The college offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs among its six academic departments.
The quality of the college’s academic programs is reaffirmed by seven national accrediting agencies.
Faculty Awards
The college honors faculty members with eight awards for their outstanding teaching, research, and service.
Find Details about our Faculty Awards
Staff Awards
The college recognizes staff members who go above and beyond in their service with the Superior Service Awards.
Find Details about our Staff Awards
National Rankings
The college’s many undergraduate and graduate programs are recognized in various national rankings.
The college has been part of the University of Arkansas since its founding in 1871 and has celebrated many important milestones throughout its history.
For Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff Resources
The page provides key financial, HR/personnel, facilities, and IT resources for faculty and staff in the college.
College Council
The group acts as a faculty advisory body to the dean on matters of faculty concern, serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas, and manages the annual faculty awards.
Staff Council
The group acts as a staff advisory body to the dean on matters of staff concern, provides opportunities for professional development, and manages the annual superior staff awards.
Annual Reports
The reports provide annual updates on the major developments and significant achievements of the college.
College Course & Program Committee
The committee advises the University Course and Program Committee on new courses, changes in existing courses, new degree programs, and degree program modifications.