Staff Council

The 2023-2024 COEHP Staff Council The 2023-2024 Staff Council

The Staff Council of the College of Education and Health Professions represents non-classified and classified employees. It provides opportunities for training/professional development, recognizes and rewards those qualifying for superior service, and acts as an advisory unit to which concerns can be voiced and then communicated to the dean.

The Staff Council manages the annual Superior Staff Awards where employees nominate outstanding colleagues.

COEHP staff are invited to use its contact form to submit feedback, share suggestions or sign up for the staff mentoring program.

2023-24 Elected Representatives

  • Kathleen Smoot — chair
  • Amanda Alonzo
  • Monica Atkinson
  • Shawn Bell
  • Celeste Fishback
  • Joe Hamilton
  • Brittany Packard
  • Kay Brusca — ex-officio

Staff Council Events

Please check back soon for the confirmed schedule.




The college's Non-Classified Administrative Council (NCAC) and, for classified employees, Professional Enhancement Program (PEP), were merged into the Staff Council in 2019.